Active Citizenship

Enabling a global education in active citizenship.


Higher education


Creating a virtual education without teachers with high interaction levels and high completion rates.


A free 3-month course in Active Citizenship with new groups starting every month through minders social learning concept: buddy groups. The first teams start Jan 2024. 

The Challenge

ACID is a 12-week international virtual education in Active Citizenship for individuals aged 18-30. Despite being virtual and global, ACID needed an advanced digital platform to support the course, the biggest concern being creating an interactive and engaging learning experience without any teacher keeping the students on their toes.

The Solution

Minders’ software fosters a collaborative experience despite starting solo. Monthly interest-based learning groups support ongoing discussions around course content, tracking progress and concluding with a final assignment shaped by the ongoing input received throughout the course.

“Thanks to Minders, it has been possible to create a free global education where students are guided from start to finish and develop new personal relationships.”

Ivan Häuser, Management Consultant

Let's talk

We want to hear what you envision for your learning. With this in mind, we can find a solution that fits your needs.

Let’s take you on a tour of the platform, and you’ll get to experience it for yourself!

illsutration of a woman in minders talking to a person over the phone
