
An adaptive behavior indicator that connects insight to development.

Based on recognized theory

We have built everything on recognized science, and we involve you – the user – in taking a more active role in creating your behavioral profile. We may not delve into the deepest corners of WHO you are! We dig just deep enough to give you insights that can make a difference for you and those you work with. We call it ‘active insights’… Flair provides insight into traits within four domains based on recognized personality trait theory.

Get insights into behavior over time

Flair offers a new approach to the classical personality test by giving insight over time and connecting it to learning. You gain insight in small digestible pieces while the data quality increases.

Choose Flair if you want

Do NOT choose Flair if you

Use Flair in courses

Use Flair as an active learning element in your course design. You might already include a personality test in some form, or you dream of it, but most are too time-consuming or too expensive to fit your purpose! Flair provides an engaging and reliable alternative that gives users an active learning experience around their behavioral traits.

Use Flair in teams

Transitioning from a group to a cohesive team is a gradual process. A key catalyst for this evolution is gaining deeper insights into oneself and others. Utilize Flair as a team onboarding tool to provide essential support during the initial months of collaboration.
Illustration of 3 people standing with each their puzzle piece

Let's talk

We want to hear what you envision for your learning. With this in mind, we can find a solution that fits your needs.

Let’s take you on a tour of the platform, and you’ll get to experience it for yourself!

illsutration of a woman in minders talking to a person over the phone
