
Helping youth in therapy engaging and learning in between sessions.




Clients often leave the therapy room behind when they exit and find it challenging to recall the events from the time since the last session.


Helping clients focus on their development between sessions and qualifying the in-session dialogue with data points.

The Challenge

With more than 30 psychologists and 3 branches in Denmark, UngTerapi provides therapy for individuals aged 15 to 30. With a continuous curiosity in its field and a desire to constantly push boundaries and offer the best to its clients, founder, and psychologist Maja Vain Gilbert saw an opportunity to combine physical therapy sessions with something digital.

The Solution

Through selected features in the Minders universe, UngTerapi provides its clients with digital support between therapy sessions. This makes it easy for the therapist to assign specific exercises and provides a new opportunity to access data points through brief self-assessment questions when discussing the client’s well-being and development.

Lad os tage en snak!

Vi vil gerne høre, hvilke ønsker du har for din undervisning. Med det i tankerne kan vi finde en løsning, der passer til dine behov.

Vi tager dig også gerne med på en rundtur på platformen, så du selv kan opleve det!

illsutration of a woman in minders talking to a person over the phone
