Create interactive learning with Minders Learn

Whether your course is online, physical, or blended, our learning app gives you added value and tools to translate learning into everyday life.

Learning app interface
illustration of 3 different types of activities that can be used in learning journeys. These include social activites, reflecting activities and action activities.

Customize interactive learning paths to your content

Create an engaging experience around your course content with Minders Learn. Learn offers several ways for your participants to engage solo or peer-to-peer. With Learn, your content becomes more interactive and bridges the gap between the classroom and everyday life.

Create social learning experiences with Buddy feature

Our Buddy feature matches learners into groups based on the criteria that you choose. You get facilitated group discussions around your content without you having to do anything! Last but not least, you enhance the learning experience by creating social commitment and allowing participants to share experiences.

'image of a notifcation with the text "catch up. You're falling behind on your journey. Catch up to stay on track"

Nudging engine to keep learners on track

Learn includes a newsfeed that keeps learners on track. Our notification system nudges the participants if they are behind or asks them to slow down if they are way ahead. After all, learning is most effective when we do it in short bursts, spread over time.

Mix & Match features to your needs

You can mix and match features to fit your needs. We are happy to guide you!
You decide what makes a complete learning experience in your course and choose between different features and tailored learning experiences to elevate your course.

a gif that shows how various features of the learning app can be turned on or off to your liking
image of online course and image of a phsyical course

Online or physical? -Our platform will suit your need

Whether you do courses online, in a blended format, or in a physical setting, Minders platform is designed to elevate your learning experience and create meaningful learning moments between participants. Include minders as a tool to match people on discussion points, create small digital journeys, and experience how Minders facilitates group discussions. Stretch the learning experience by introducing minders before, after, and between sessions.

Let's talk

We want to hear what you envision for your learning. With this in mind, we can find a solution that fits your needs.

Let’s take you on a tour of the platform, and you’ll get to experience it for yourself!

illsutration of a woman in minders talking to a person over the phone
